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uOttawa Greens members and local Greens meet for lunch with Elizabeth May and Nira Dookeran, then-MP candidate for Ottawa-Vanier.

uOttawa Greens Co-President Stephen Andersen manning the table at a recruiting event.

Elizabeth May speaking at a University of Ottawa venue.

Elizabeth May is the Green Party of Canada leader, and the MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands.

Mike Schreiner is the Green Party of Ontario leader, and the Green MPP candidate in Guelph.
We are the uOttawa Greens, a Green Party campus association that aims to inspire and engage students in the political process in order to develop conscientious community leaders capable of confronting our mounting global challenges.
Who We Are

les verts de l'

Jeremy Leite, Co-President
Jeremy is a 3rd year Public Administration student at uOttawa, and works part time at Public Services and Procurement Canada.
This is Jeremy's 3rd year as a member of the campus Greens. He previously served as Communications Chair, for the past 2 years.
Through his involvement with the club, Jeremy has worked at the GPC Info Centre, become part of the Ottawa-Vanier Greens EDA & CA Executive, and worked as a volunteer and intern in Elizabeth May's Parliament Hill office.

Stephen Andersen, Co-President
Finance Chair
The Finance Chair will:
a. Maintain records of club membership and membership fees;
b. Provide the executive with a report on the state of the club’s finances at least once per semester;
c. Have signing authority for the club;
d. Be responsible for overseeing all financial dealings of the club;
e. Keep complete records of all financial dealings of the club; and
f. Provide a financial plan for the upcoming year.

Sabine Moller, Social Chair
Sabine is a 1st year Political Science and History student studying at the University of Ottawa. She is originally from BC and decided to study in Ottawa to experience all that our nation’s capital has to offer.
This is Sabine’s first year involved with the UOttawa Greens and her first year serving on the executive as the Social Chair. Sabine has been involved with the Green Party of Canada and the BC Green Party since 2015. In that time she has served on her local EDA back in Victoria and has worked on several campaigns. She is excited to bring her experience to the club and be involved in planning events for everyone to get excited about over the next year.
Communications Chair
The Communications Chair will:
a. Develop a strategy to increase the visibility of the uOttawa Greens;
b. Promote the club and communicate to the uOttawa community via social media;
c. Update the club’s Facebook and Twitter accounts with relevant GPC & GPO news;
d. Work closely with the Social Chair to develop monthly newsletters; and
e. Ensure equal linguistic representation in English and French.